In ircd 2.11.0 the Reop-Mode has been introduced to IRCnet. When a channel becomes opless, one of the users matching the added hostmasks will be opped after a delay.
Like ban, invite and exception list, the reop list contains hostmasks in format nick!ident@host.
Retrieve the reop list:
MODE #channel R 344 nick #channel *! 344 nick #channel *! 345 nick #channel :End of Channel Reop List
Add reop entries:
MODE #channel +R *!
Remove reop entries:
MODE #channel -R *!
When the channel became opless, reop will be enforced after 90 minutes: NOTICE #channel :Enforcing channel mode +R (166) MODE #channel +o nick
Keep your reop entries up to date (domain expired? shell account closed?)
Be careful with wildcards. Never use wildcards like *!user@151.141.187.* because they can be spoofed easily, e.g. *! Use CIDR notation instead: *!user@
Reop entries can be restricted to countries by using ISO-3166-1 country codes. E.g. 276*! will reop only users on *.DE IRCnet servers.
If the channel is opless, users matching the reoplist are allowed to join the channel by overriding the channel limit.
If the channel is empty, reops will get lost, like all other channel information
If the server is currently in split-mode (maybe even due to misconfiguration), you will not get opped. To test that check if you get op when you join a non-existing channel.